Could Sports Day Be Done Online During The Coronavirus Pandemic? PSG Academy Had The Answer
While COVID-19 brought a halt to the majority of organized sporting events, and practices such as National Sports Day, PSG Academy was very focused on providing the community with an outlet to keep the National Holiday alive. With access to technology, PSG Academy seamlessly transitioned to a virtual Live Stream Series which included fun interactive fitness, football and handball exercises. View Highlights from the Live Stream Series led by expert coaches with years of experience. If you’re interested in joining this unique and supportive atmosphere, click HERE. PSG Academy Qatar offers a flexible admissions process, so you can always …
Sports Day Live Stream Series
PSG Academy Qatar Goes Virtual For Sports Day Paris Saint-Germain Academy has consistently been on the rise since its inception in 2018. Once you see the high caliber of facilities, the quality of the coaching, and the passion emerging within and around the program, there’s no question as to why that will continue. This year PSG Academy has decided to go virtual for Sports Day. As the situation surrounding COVID-19 evolves, the sports academy continues to do everything possible to create a safe environment in order to meet its athlete’s and its public’s needs. Join our LIVE STREAM Series …
PSG Academy Qatar is Back to Training!
Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar Players and Coaches are delighted to be back on the Pitch! With over 220 technical videos produced, a 10-week remote training program delivered, 45 live sessions issued through various digital platforms, and a 6-week online summer camp, Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar players and coaches are extremely pleased to be back on the pitch! After a long period away from the training grounds, PSG academy Qatar Is finally back to training. The French football academy is currently hosting an evening outdoor summer term running through the month of August (2nd-29th). Due to the current pandemic, the …